A Message From Club Chaplain – “Chaplains Chatty”

Dear Friends of the Star

It has been a while since I last wrote to you all, but rest assured you have not been far from my thoughts. For all of us it has been a challenging 6 months in one way or another. To you who have lost love ones and friends during this time my sincere condolences.

I don’t know your personal circumstances, but I can imagine that this has been a stressful time during both lockdown and now as we ease out of lockdown. For many, we have been in our own bubble, abiding by the directions given. Others have been on the front line, Doctors, Nurses, Essential shop workers, School Janitors and the like. For whom we are so thankful for their great sacrifice and willingness to serve our community. Thank you to these Heroes of this pandemic.

A lot has changed in these 6 months and it may have changed somethings forever both in our personal circumstances and around us. One of those changes has been the new website for the Cub. A lot of hard work has been undertaken by the Committee, which members will hear about in this weekend’s AGM, both before and during the pandemic. I personally would like to thank them for their support and encouragements during my relative short time with the Club; they all have a big heart for the life of the Club and it is great to serve with them. Thank you.

As I said one of the changes has been the new Club website and one of the pages you can choose is titled “Contact Us”. My details appear in the list of the various people you may wish to contact. The reason for this is my role as Club Chaplain is not just for the players, management and Committee’s wellbeing but, also to you, our supporters.. If you are struggling with just day to day living and want a friendly ear to sound off, or are feeling the stress of life. Please feel free to contact me and I will arrange to come and see you or if you wish just to chat on the phone or by email then I am happy to listen and support in any way I can. Often just talking to another person puts the challenges in perspective and helps us to move forward. You can be assured whatever is said to me is in the strictest confidence and will stop with me.

Let’s hope that it will not be too much longer before we can all gather at NVP. It is great to see the players back training, although we cannot meet up with them there are some excellent articles on line where we can read about their likes and dislikes, as they answer questions posed to them. It is a great way to meet those players who are new to the Club.

I look forward to chatting with you next month. It has been agreed with the Committee that I can write to you all once a month via the website. If there are any particular wellbeing topic you would like me to discuss, please drop me a line and I will do my best to answer as many as possible via “Chaplain’s Chatty”.

My best wishes to you all. Be on the Star

Steve Nash

Club Chaplain.

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