Chaplain’s Chatty June 2021

Dear All

Be on the Star, you can feel the level of excitement starting to rise as we begin the run in for the new season. There are a good number of pre-season friendlies home and away to whet our appetites. It was a particularly encouraging half season last year and I am sure that Chris, Wes and the other coaches will be looking for more of the same this season. As will we all, no pressure there then!!

So, how have you been since I last wrote to us all? I should imagine for many of us it has been a little tough, particularly as last winter seems to have dragged on a bit, but it is great to have some warmth and sunshine. As things continue to open up post the second lockdown, there will be some relief for all of us, others will feel this relief but also a little uncertainty. This is normal and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself if you do feel like this. You should go at your own pace as restrictions lift. Don’t feel you should be pressured into doing stuff you feel you are not currently able to do. This will only add to your stress and /or anxiety levels.

If someone is pressurising you, don’t just crumble and give in, the best way forward would be to tell that person where you are and how you feel. After all people aren’t mind readers! You may not be used to speaking out, you may fear what people may say because we are all good at assuming what others will say or how they will react. Often we are miles off target with our assumptions. You will find that people will be more accepting if they know where you are and how you are feeling.

Keeping it bottled up is not good for our mental health, those small fears and assumptions can grow if we allow them to get a grip in our minds, you will find the more we dwell on them the bigger and more impossible they become. And yet they are the same small fear and assumption you normally deal with were it not for the stress and anxiety being felt because you are holding it all in and not sharing. As Busby once said “It is good to talk” (An old advert for BT, ask you grandad he will remember it!). One of the keys to good mental health is talking, sharing and listening. Being open and real really does help. We have all been through a challenging (understatement) year, two lockdowns, many difficult experiences and the prospect of a possible third wave with the Delta variant. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety or depression, tell someone you trust just how you are feeling and get the support you need.

As ever if you haven’t got that support system in your own life, remember that we as a club have appointed a Chaplain to be there, a person we can talk to about how we feel. He has been there and has the T-shirt when it comes to stress/anxiety and he is only a text, email or phone call away. He is happy to be that listening ear for you and all who need support at NSFC.

As I type the sun is still shining and my drive still needs to be cleaned I will get to it. I look forward to seeing you down a NVP. BotS.

Best wishes

Steve Nash – NSFC Chaplain (My contact details are on the contacts page).

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