Home Kit Sponsor – Joe Wilson

Away Kit Sponsor – Stevie Tait

Name – Steven Tait (Tattie)

Date of birth – 13/12/1986

Position – Even I don’t know – Versatile

Previous club – Dunbar United

Favourite song – I honestly couldn’t name 1 – I’ll go bands (Oasis, The Killers, The View)

What team do you support? – Hearts ♥️

Night out with the boys or the Mrs? – The wife – opened myself up here 😂

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be? – Where do you start…. I’ll put on the serious head and say a breakthrough in a cure for cancer.

If you had 1 million pounds , what would you buy? – I’ll say a Lamborghini – not sure the wife would sanction that though. It’s alright though as my daughter has already said she will get me one when she is older.

Best moment in football so far ? – Winning the league at my childhood hometown team Dunbar as captain alongside my brother 👌🏻. Amazing group of lads.

What team are you Most looking forward to playing this season and why? – Not difficult, Dunbar. It will be a strange experience after 8 years with a great club. Will love it though.

Most embarrassing moment during a game? – There are so many, has to probably be my Alan Hutton moment as I face planted running down the line at Kirriemuir right in front of the dugouts. Whole place in hysterics as I’m trying to carry on https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SAFtdJQ8nuM

Best holiday you have been on and why? – Pathos 100% – whole family and friends there as me and Dawn got married. Incredible time. Was also looking forward to Florida this year until Covid scuppered that.

What made you sign with Newtongrange Star and what do you hope to achieve this season? – It was Kingy to be honest, he had been telling me daily everything him and Wes were doing at the club since he took over, the ambition and drive they have is huge. Ambitions are just to have that winning mentality in the dressing room and push for medals, that’s what it’s all about right.

What message do you want to send to the fans? – One thing you can be sure of is that we will be ready this year 👍🏻