Christmas Chaplains Chatty

Dear All at the Star

 I wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas. 

This is probably the hardest letter I have had to write this year. Mainly because I want to strike the right chord, we all enjoy Christmas, which is having fun and being all together, enjoying the delicious food, and being able to share our love by the gifts and time we give and receive. It is a joyous time.

However, this year Christmas is looking very different to any other year, there will only be small gatherings (if we are being brave!), the food will be as delicious but probably not as sweet because we are not able to share it with others and aye gifts will be given and the love shared, but no hugs of thanks. This is something none of us have ever experienced before and neither do we ever want to again!

But it is not all bad news; we have so much to be thankful for and to look forward to as well. Thankful that we have our health and strength.  Also thankful that we have friends and family who love and care for us. Thankful; there is a vaccine in the pipeline and with that comes hope.

I think this Christmas is not about wanting the biggest gift but looking to share our time and care with our neighbours, our friends and family. The Beatles once sang “Money can’t buy you love”. How true! It will buy you fair weather “friends” but when storms hit they are nowhere to be seen! Only real friends will stick through thick and thin.

Please take time to reflect, think how you have coped this year and what you have learned about yourself. You should congratulate yourself for a job well done.  I hope in the coming year you keep doing the things you like about yourself and then putting to one side the things you dislike. It will continue to be tough until the virus is under control, but we have hope. Hang on to that hope and share it around.  Smile and the world smiles with you (see you are smiling now!).

I am privileged and humbled to be your chaplain, if times are tough, you have a friend, and my door continues to be open. Don’t be shy; give it a try…..

Be on the Star, Wishing you hope and love throughout Christmas and all through the New Year.                               

Your Chaplain – Steve


  • Posted 06/02/2025 10:36 AM 0Likes
    by Akun Binance Gratis

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  • Posted 11/02/2025 9:13 AM 0Likes
    by binance konto

    Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

  • Posted 15/02/2025 8:58 AM 0Likes
    by binance referral

    Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

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