Hello, everyone.
I don’t read or react to social media posts normally.
However my attention has been drawn to posts which do not reflect the situation at the club, so thought it would be useful to provide the club view.
Our aim this season for the senior team has always been to get promotion back to the premier division.
We lie in third place, have been in a promotion position for most of the season, and are determined to work hard to achieve our goal.
Results recently have been variable, however we all remain focussed on achieving that aim. By all I mean committee, management and players.
There has been a change in coaching staff in the last week and we welcome David Simmonds to support Chris and the senior team going forward.
Our U20’s under Paul continue with their good performances and are looking to have a strong run in to the end of the season.

It’s disappointing that a couple of completely unfounded rumours now have to be addressed. If people want to get clarification on matters we have regular fans forums and my contact details are easily found if you want to chat. And of course our committee and management are always willing to listen.

So, to confirm, players, management and committee are determined to succeed and are united in this.

It has been suggested that there is a culture of bullying here at the club. This is completely without foundation and upsetting to all. Any bullying would not be tolerated and would be dealt with immediately – we have a well-being officer in place for this. As you would expect.
To actually accuse people of this publicly is just not acceptable.

No doubt there will be further posts from those who like to do that kind of thing on social media relating to the above. That’s up to them.
However, as a club we won’t be commenting further.

What I would ask is that supporters continue to get behind the teams and cheer them on, especially at this crucial time of the season. Your unwavering support has been outstanding all season, home and away, and we thank you for that sincerely.

Archie Lockhart
President, NSFC
On behalf of all those associated with the club.

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